

Course: ANTH 1000

部门: Social and Behavioral Science
部门: Social Science
Title: Introduction to 人类学

Semester Approved2023年春季
Five-Year Review Semester: 2027年秋季
学期结束: 2028年秋季

Catalog Description本课程向学生介绍包括体质人类学在内的四个基本人类学领域, Cultural 人类学, 考古, and Linguistic 人类学. 人类学家试图通过研究影响人类起源的生理和文化因素来理解作为人类的意义, 发展, and behavior of humankind. Both general education credit and variable credit may be earned. To fulfill Social Science general education requirements, the class must be taken for 3 credits; however, 1-2 variable elective credits are offered for exigent circumstances.

General Education Requirements: Social and Behavioral Science (SS)
Semesters Offered秋天、春天
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 1-3; 讲座: 1-3; Lab: 0

先决条件: N/A

并修课程: N/A

的理由: This course is designed to introduce students to physical, 考古, 语言, 以及文化人类学主题,这些主题将吸引学生并提高他们对人类多样性的认识. ANTH 1000满足网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行通识教育的社会科学(SS)要求,可以转换为通识教育或选修学分. Similar courses are offered at other USHE institutions. 在ANTH 1000, students will develop understanding of the past, 现在, and future factors and issues related to humanity and the social world around them.

General Education Outcomes:
1: 完成GE课程的学生对人类文化和自然世界有了基本的了解. The threads unifying 人类学 are its focus on understanding human behavior, groups and cultures, as well as humanity's place in the natural world. Attention will be given to prehistoric, 原始的, and modern human experiences as well as 当前的 ideas and research about human culture, origins and behavior. Students can expect to read class material and discuss these concepts, 将文化知识和意识应用于人类学学科,并将其与个人生活经验联系起来. Expression of this understanding and knowledge will be asked of students in 论文项目, 小测验, 和/或考试.

2: A student who completes the GE curriculum can read and research effectively within disciplines. 课堂主题和科目将基于教科书阅读和其他指定的原始材料,以促进批判性思维和学生讨论. Student evaluation and 解释ation of this content will be established in 课堂讨论, 小测验 and 考试. 另外, 论文工作将为学生提供研究人类学资源的机会,并展示他们将这项研究与自己的个人生活联系起来的能力.

3: 完成通用电气课程的学生可以从多个学科中汲取知识来解决复杂的问题. 人类学, 它强调整体人类的相互联系,允许学生使用多学科来分析和解决复杂的文化人类问题和问题. Drawing from biology, 政治 science, 经济s, 历史, psychology, human 发展, etc., students in this course will address relevant anthropological issues in 小测验, 考试, 还有书面作业.

4: A student who completes the GE curriculum can reason analytically, critically, and creatively. 人类学要求学生批判性地思考他们的全球公民意识,并试图理解人类过去的基本文化统一性和相互联系, 现在, 和将来形式. 课堂讨论和相关阅读将为人类学分析练习提供基础,并将在课堂讨论中进行评估, 论文项目, 小测验 和/或考试.

General Education Knowledge Area Outcomes:
1: 人类学阅读和课堂讨论将使学生了解人类社会制度和模式的悠久历史和范围,这些制度和模式创造了我们今天所看到的世界文化结构. Through class engagement, 论文项目, 小测验 和/或考试, students will be able to 考试ine and demonstrate the contributions of human behavior and societies.  人类学阅读和课堂讨论将使学生了解人类社会制度和模式的悠久历史和范围,这些制度和模式创造了我们今天所看到的世界文化结构. Through class engagement, 论文项目, 小测验 和/或考试, students will be able to 考试ine and demonstrate the contributions of human behavior and societies.

2: 在大规模的历史或社会背景下,发展和交流对个体人类行为的假设解释. 学生将通过讨论和考察人类学四个基本领域的案例研究,探索过去和现在人类行为的全球原因和后果. 论文项目, 小测验, 和/或考试将为学生提供展示他们知识的机会,并为人类行为的复杂性和模式提供解释.

3: 利用社会科学和行为科学的研究方法来评估当代问题. By 考试ining the diversity, 历史, and contemporary issues of global cultures, this course will allow students to identify and evaluate past, 当前的, 以及人类学方法和视角在处理现实世界问题和解决方案中的实际应用. Through 课堂讨论, 小测验 和/或考试, 学生将展示他们批判性思考当地和全球人类挑战的能力.

4: Describe and analytically compare social, 政治, 经济, 文化, 地理, and historical settings and processes other than one’s own. With anthropology's holistic focus, 学生将在阅读和课堂讨论中接触到各种当前和历史的全球人类环境和人类过程,这些将挑战他们的假设和经验. Careful 分析 of the diversity of human conditions will be displayed in student 论文项目, 小测验 和/或考试.

5: Explain and use the social-scientific method to test research questions and draw conclusions. 学生将探索跨学科的人类学理论和方法,比较跨文化的人类行为. Textbook study and additional readings will allow an 考试ination of ethnographic data, 案例研究, and controversies in the field. Class discussion, 测验和/或考试将为学生提供一个展示他们将人类学发现综合成清晰、合理的论点和结论的能力的机会.

6: Write effectively within the social science discipline, using correct disciplinary guidelines, 分析, 解释, and communicate about social science phenomena. Students will be able to understand anthropological perspectives and communicate their opinions, 分析, and research on these topics. 论文项目 还有书面作业 assessed on 小测验 和/或考试 will demonstrate this competency.

Student Learning Outcomes:
学生将对人类学的4个基本研究领域(物理/生物人类学)有扎实的理解和知识, 考古, 文化 anthropology & 语言 anthropology.  对人类学四大基本领域的理解和知识将通过课堂讨论进行评估, 小测验, 考试, and project/essay work.

学生将了解和了解人类学家和其他社会和行为科学家使用的研究方法, 描述, explain and predict human behavior and group structure. 对人类学和社会科学研究方法的理解和知识将通过课堂测验进行评估, 考试, and project/essay work.

学生将能够将文化知识和日益增长的全球意识应用于人类学科目和个人生活主题. 与人类学科目和个人生活经历相关的文化知识和全球意识将通过课堂讨论进行评估, 小测验, 考试, and project/essay work.

ANTH 1000是一门人类学入门课程,侧重于体质人类学的四个基本领域, Cultural 人类学, 考古, and Linguistic 人类学. 通过讲座, 课堂讨论, writing assignments, 小测验 and 考试, these four fields and their sub-fields will address diverse biological, social and 文化 human issues. Topics will include evolutionary principles, 人类进化, 灵长类动物学, historical 发展s in human civilization, 人类的多样性, characteristics of culture, communication and 语言s, 身份, subsistence and exchange, family and kinship, politics and power, spirituality and religion, and global change.

Key Performance Indicators:
Students will be evaluated on outcomes using the following:

考试35 - 50%

Quizzes 15 to 25%

Essays/Projects 20 to 30%

Participation/Attendance 10 to 15%

` %

Re现在ative Text and/or Supplies:
Texts will vary depending on instructor preference.
A textbook 考试ple would be Essence of 人类学 by Haviland, Prins, Walrath, & McBride (当前的 edition).

Additional readings will vary on instructor preference. An 考试ple would be "Body Ritual of the Nacirema" by Horace Mitchell Miner

Pedagogy Statement:
ANTH 1000将以讨论为基础的讲座授课,重点是帮助学生理解和应用人类学的4个基本领域. 课程作业将帮助学生用社会科学家的观点和方法进行批判性思考, and allow them to effectively analyze and 考试ine global cultures, the diverse nature of humanity, and the social structures around them. 欢迎不同背景和观点的学生,并鼓励和拥抱所有学生的包容性环境.

Instructional Mediums:

Maximum Class Size: 50
Optimum Class Size: 35